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Profit rate from Google Adsense (how much you can profit from Adsense)

easy money

In the previous article, we talked about Google Adsense and the forms of ads and profit secrets from Google Adsense, and we then felt the need to customize a full article about the profit rate of Google Adsense, how to calculate it, and how to increase it and the secrets and tips that we learned and want to convey to you, so bring a new paper and a pen and don’t forget to make a cup of coffee before you start.

Why did we care to write an article about the profit rate of Google Adsense?

The first reason we thought about writing this article is to give you dear reader full information after our first article about Google Adsense

The second reason is that we have not found in the Arab world any clear and comprehensive evidence about the profit rate of Google Adsense, and all we found are small pieces of content repeating the same words or selling readers’ dreams with promises of thousands of dollars from the beginning, so we decided to fill this void with a detailed article on the profit rate of Google Adsense.

The third and final reason is that we want to encourage you, dear reader, to start your own blog, and to open a new source of income that could exceed all your fantasies and dreams in the future, so we can’t do this without providing you with a clear and transparent picture of one of the common profit methods such as Google AdSense, and the profit rate of Google Adsense.

Important terms you should know about the profit rate of Google Adsense

There are many terms that you are supposed to be familiar with before we start our article on the profit preparer of Google Adsense, and these terms are:
Appearing specifically for ads, for example, if one visitor to your blog reads only one article or page so that this page has 4 ads, in this case, you’ve got 4 Impression times.
Revenue Per Thousand Impressions means the amount you get for every Thousand Impression for your ads, for example, if 500 visitors read your previous article and watched its four ads, you’d get 2,000 Impressions, and if you got $4 from them, for example, your RPM would be $2.
It should be noted that this number is an estimated number by several factors, including the country from which your visitors or blog are. It’s similar to the CPC that we’re going to talk about in terms of being different by country and language, RPM is also an estimated way to evaluate your earnings, and see if something’s wrong with you to fix it to get more profits.
Cost Per Click is a very important term because it is probably the most important factor in attracting profits to you, varies by keywords and by your specialty or Jurisdiction, and there are very large differences in the cost per click, according to the famous report published by the blog Semrush in 2019:
• The average per click cost in an area such as insurance in the United States may be $17.55.
• While in travel the average cost per click is 1.74, in the areas of beauty and hair care the average cost per click is 1.86 and in the areas of health and fitness 1.81.
Although these prices vary greatly from country to country, their position among other disciplines is almost constant, for example in the insurance area, the average CPC is highest in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.
But its cost varies in these countries, with 17.55 in the United States, 6.86 in the United Kingdom, 3.57 in Canada, and finally in Australia at 8.39.
Click-Through Rate, another very important concept that deals with the number of clicks relative to impressions, is important when it comes to the profit rate of Google Adsense.
Your profit from Google Adsense increases as this number increases, for example, if your page with 4 ads has been visited by 1,000 people – i.e. the number of impressions = 4000 – and ads are clicked 250 times, your click or impression rate is 6.25%.
This term indicates that ads on your site or blog are useful to visitors and that they find them suitable for them, so the higher this percentage, the more positive it is for your earnings and because everything is fine.

What is the profit rate from Google Adsense?

Google Adsense’s profit rate is determined by the terms we mentioned a little while ago, and Google Adsense’s profits can be calculated through the following equation:
Profit = number of clicks x cost per click
Where the number of clicks is related to what we know about CTR or CTR as well as the number of Impressions, it’s equal to the rate at which they hit each other, and the cost per click is equal to the CPC we talked about.
This is why I initially explained these terms to you because they will assure you that the profit rate from Google Adsense is not fixed at all and that it is determined by several values, and these values are also determined by a number of factors.
So if you’re accounting for your google AdSense and knowing impressions, CPC, CTR, and even RPM values, you can improve your profit rate from Google Adsense.
For example, the low CTR value indicates that your visitors don’t find ads useful or attractive, so they don’t press them enough, which negatively affects Google Adsense’s profit rate.
To address this, you simply have to customize the ads you use to suit your visitors, so they click more on ads and your earnings increase.
With the same methodology, the low value of CPC clicking cost and the resulting profits may be minimal, even if a good CTR is an indication that you need to use high-value keywords, which will then affect the CPC value and increase your earnings.

Tips to increase the profit rate of Google Adsense

At the end of the article, my idea would not have been completed without giving you the usual magic dose of solutions for winners, and this dose will be a set of tips and steps that we recommend to you in the winners in order to increase the profit rate of Google Adsense:

  1. Think about ads from a visitor’s perspective, not from the site owner’s perspective
    Treat ads like you’re a visitor and don’t do what might bother you as a visitor, which will help you create a good visitor experience on the one hand, and on the other hand, you can put ads the way you get your attention as a visitor, and in both cases, this will have a positive impact on your Google Adsense profit rate.
  2. Keep an eye on your site statistics
    You should follow your site statistics at least weekly to make sure everything is fine, so you can easily and quickly evaluate what you’re offering and detect errors before any damage to your visitors and profits, and the skill of reading numbers and statistics correctly will help teach you how to increase your traffic and profits.
  3. Use effective keywords
    Find and use profitable effective keywords in your DOMAINE, because they will dramatically increase the traffic and CPC of your ads, which is certainly what any site owner wants, and I strongly recommend you an article on all you want to know about keywords, the fourth lesson of the Winners’ Website’s Sioux Course.
  4. Publish periodically to increase traffic
    Don’t lose your enthusiasm and don’t give up, especially if you’re at the beginning, success isn’t made from day and night, especially in the internet world, you may get tired for months without paying off, but then you’ll reap the rewards of your patience and tiredness, and perhaps the biggest mistake for website owners or novice content makers is boredom and interruption.
  5. Do not use property rights materials
    This error is very common: to use images or other proprietary materials that will negatively affect your site and profits, so my advice to you is to use photos and materials without property rights (and you can easily search them through the google search engine for the image), or better yet to make your own photos and materials.
  6. Always try and learn from your experiences
    This advice is about monitoring statistics, by making some changes and following up on their results through statistics you will learn new and creative ways to increase traffic and profits, and you will also make many mistakes and benefit by avoiding repeating them in the future.
  7. Abide by the laws on Adsense
    Make sure you fully understand AdSense rules and laws and do not violate them because this will have serious damage to your profits, and one of the most common mistakes that beginners make is the error of fake clicks or motivating visitors to click on ads, which google algorithms will discover and will result in penalties.
  8. Make sure your site is free of technical problems and is suitable for mobile phones
    Free of technical problems and suitable for different devices such as mobile phones, your site will attract a lot of traffic, help you grow your site significantly, and will strengthen your site’s visitor experience and a medium of visitor browsing sessions.
  9. Make content an absolute priority
    I liked to end my talk by emphasizing the importance of content and that it should be the only thing you look at, the most important advice in the world of Adsense is that existing sites for Adsense fail and that existing sites in order to provide good content to their visitors are the ones that make a lot of profits.
    Note: If you have any questions or inquiries you can leave them to us in the comments and we will be happy to answer it as soon as possible.

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