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How people use Search Engines

This is the third lesson of the Search Engine Optimization Guide, in which we will address the most important aspects of users dealing with search engines.

Through this lesson, you will learn a lot of information and points about the user’s interaction with the search engine. This will help you make the right adjustments to your site, so that it is more compatible with search engine visitors and their nature.

How does the user do a search on the Search Engine?

There are a set of steps or stages that the user goes through, so that they reach your site by searching a search engine.

Understanding these stages or steps will help you a lot in improving search engines, the search engine logo is always to please the user, and your understanding of the user and how looking will undoubtedly hurt his satisfaction, which is consequently in the interest of your site with search engines.

These are the search stages that search engine users go through:

1: The stage of recognizing the need

At this stage, the user realizes that he needs me: answer a question, solve a problem, see a particular information, or buy a commodity or service. It is decided that google search engine will be used for example to meet this need.

Need is the first step that search engine users go through, and this is also the first step in which each successful search engine optimization strategy begins.

Understanding the user’s need in depth and complete aspects is the real opener of your success in accessing your google front page site.

You should always look at your site from the point of view of meeting the user’s need and satisfying it.

2: The word or research sentence drafting phase

At this stage, the user begins to formulate a word or research sentence to express what he wants. Of course, the word or sentence chosen by the user to conduct the search depends on some factors, including:

User language

Does the user use slam or classical? Does the user use his native language or English?

How much the user culture and knowledge about the subject of the search

The more ignorant the user is to the search subject, the more they use very short public words or sentences. On the contrary, the more the user is aware of the subject of the research, the longer and somewhat complex research sentences are used. This is because he wants more specialized results.

3: The stage of entering the search word and conducting the search

At this point, the user writes the word or search sentence (Query) in the search engine, and presses the search button waiting for the results of the search engine.

Search results appear in front of the user in a fraction of a second, because search engines pay attention to the speed at which results are very important. (The search engine user tests the speed at which results are shown, so he expects them when you press any result)

It should be noted here that the introduction of search words has not been limited to writing only. The share of voice searches has been growing and increasing recently.

4: Browsing search results

At this stage, the user browses search results in haste, to reach the search result that is in line with what he needs.

This phase introduces a lot of factors and variables, which severely affect the way we understand how a user interacts with search results.

Here are some observations and points on how a user interacts with search results:

The user urgently scans the initial results addresses, to reach the most appropriate result, and some users also examine the description of the results.
Almost every search there are ad results that appear above the original search results, and this over time has made the user pay more attention to the lower search results.
The search results page goes beyond being a page with a list of results, but there are other components in it, including the Quick Answers box, which contains answers that come directly from Google.
There is also a rectangle of information, which appears when you write a research word associated with something or a famous person, and contains information about it.

5: Visit some results stage

At this stage, the user visits some of the results, which he believes have something to do with what he’s looking for, and examines whether the content is in line with what he actually wants or not.

The more aware and experienced the user is in search, the more likely they are to browse more search results.

There is a relationship between the time the user spends visiting search results. Between the nature of the search process, the nature of the search word, the intention of the user and his goal of the search process on the other hand.

6: The return phase again to search results

If the user doesn’t find what they want specifically in the search results pages they visited, they’ll go back to the search results page, trying to find another result to achieve their need, at this point they may move to the next page in the search results.

7: The stage of formulating the research sentence in another way

If the user gets what they want, the search process is over. If he is not fully satisfied, he will try to use other research words, or rework his research sentence in another way.

This stage may be repeated more than once, until the user finds a page or web pages, which make him feel good and achieve his need.

Types of search processes performed by a Search Engine user

Search processes intended to move to a particular site (Go Queries)

In this case, the user writes the name of the site he or she wishes to visit, directly in the search engine.
Most Internet users don’t write the domain name they want to go to in the browser.

Instead, they only write the name of the site even inaccurately, confident that the search engine knows very well where they want to go.
Example of Go Queries: YouTube

Know Queries research processes (Know Queries)

This type of research process is for the purpose of obtaining a particular information, or an idea that the user wants to recognize.
Example of Know Queries: How to Profit from Google Adsense

Research processes related to doing something specific (Do Queries)

These research processes are the most expensive, as the user wants to do something specific such as buying a product or subscribing to a service.

Example of Do Queries: Buying iPhone 6 Plus

Some statistics on Search Engine users

  • From 70% to 80% of search engine users ignore search results ads, preferring natural results.
  • 50% of the research sentences used to consist of 4 words or more.
  • 21% of search engine users are pressuring me with more than one result.
  • 60% of search engine visits go to the initial three search results, and only the initial result gets 18% of the traffic.
  • 75% of search engine users never go to the second page of search results.
  • 50% of search engine users tend to press search results from sites or brands they know before.
  • Search engine users (Specifically Google) are growing continuously from year to year.
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