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Search engine optimization SEO (your guide to the first result)

When I started 216 about two years ago, all my idea of Search engine optimization was just too simple: creating content that offered value to visitors. (Of course, that’s true, but I found out it wasn’t enough.) In fact, I have been very confused by my narrow and limited concept of Search engine optimization, and I have made many mistakes that have damaged my site in the past.

But luckily for me, I always strive to learn and develop, so I started reading and learning about Search engine optimization.

I started reading google search engine recommendations, to get a better ranking in search results. I tried to apply every recommendation recommended by Google.

My site has already begun to get a better ranking. My concept of SEO has changed a lot from then on, even my concept of a world that offers value to visitors has also evolved.

But I have not stopped reading and learning about this interesting and enjoyable subject since then. Over the past two years, I have read many books and articles, and I have seen a lot of videos about SEO science and art. This is in addition to the practical experience I have gained by managing my site.

One of the great books I have read recently is The Art of SEO, written by some of the best SEO minds in the world, which is the most important and best book on Search engine optimization ever. Moreover, just before writing this guide, I read a wide range of SEO Guides for the most famous sites in the field.

In fact today, thanks to what I have learned, 216 has become one of the most important sites in his field, and he has become the leader in search results in many important keywords.

The good thing is that every time I learned something new about SEO, I was writing a topic about this thing in 216.
Today, as part of my overall plan to restructure the content of my blog, to be more quality, useful, and organized for site visitors.

All topics on SEO will be compiled and developed in an integrated guide. This guide is a series of lessons on Search engine optimization, in which I will put the summary of my cognitive experience and practical experience together.

What is SEO (Search engine optimization)?

The term in English is Search Engine Optimization and is shortened by SEO letters. It means search engine optimization or configuring the site for search engines. Marketers used to point out to improve search engines with the word Seo.

SEO: This means every change you make on or off your site, first to improve the satisfaction of your site visitors, and secondly to optimize search engine experience in crawling, indexing, and understanding your site well. So to get a better ranking in search results.

This includes designing your site, programming it, and carefully selecting everything that is texted on this site. Attention and dedication to the satisfaction of the potential visitor. Continuously improve all elements of your site, and solve problems in it if any, to be compatible with the way search engines work (which are basically user-pleasing).

In other words, more simply, Seo means making every improvement and change possible on your site, so that it’s a friend of search engines, while satisfying and useful to potential visitors to your site.

It is worth mentioning that configuration in search engines is also science and art. It is a science based on basics, facts, and statistics on how engines work, and on how to please the zar. It is an art based on creative thinking and innovation, and often trying to find solutions outside the box.

Why do you have to optimize your site for search engines?

The next visitor to your site through search engines is the most valuable visitor ever. Search engine visitors are known to be the most targeted and profit-generating visitors in the world of web marketing.

In fact, there is no way to get good free visitors from search engines, except by search engine optimization. Your site is compatible with search engine requirements, on which search results are arranged in each search.

One of the great features for search engine visitors is that it’s free, so once your site releases search results for a good keyword, you’ve opened a new door for visitors to your site, at no extra cost. Yes, you have to make an effort to hit it, but trust the results are worth any effort you will make.

Why do you have to learn Search engine optimization (SEO)

Based on my experience, I believe that knowledge and experience in the field of configuration in search engines is an essential element for every electronic marketer. At least understanding the basics is very important for everyone interested in digital marketing.

The great thing is that this search engine optimization guide will give you a good understanding of the basics underlying SEO. Beyond that, this guide will give you enough knowledge and understanding to reach the front page and even the initial result in search results.

Who should learn SEO? And who’s this evidence for?

Every website owner

Learn SEO to get the best results from the content of your site, search engine optimization is the best way to get visitors to your site’s content. If you prefer to hire someone or companies to improve your location for search engines, you also need to at least understand the basics. This is if you want to get a better service from SEO service providers, or you want to do small tasks yourself to avoid further costs.

All site designers and developers

The process of search engine optimization begins where the site design and programming process begins. A professional web designer is a designer who is able to design a website that takes into account the requirements of search engines while taking into account the visitor’s experience. Any designer was familiar with the basics of SEO.

Also a professional web developer, he is a developer who is able to program sites with clean codes and is able to understand the necessary settings in hosting and in site files to make it ready for search engines, and without problems for the user.

All those working in the field of writing and translation of websites

Writing, blogging, and translation are required areas in the free labor market. To raise your value as a writer or translator in the labor market you have to learn SEO. In fact, there is a huge difference between a good content writer and a good content writer who is also good at writing in accordance with search engine standards.

Everyone who works as a specialist in Social media

How many times have you used Google, and a Facebook post has appeared to you as a result of the search results on the front page? If you have knowledge of SEO, you, as a Sushil Media specialist, can also write publications that top search results.

Everyone is interested in digital marketing

Digital Marketing is an area with a lot of branches and specialties, one of the most important of these disciplines is SEO
That is specialization in search engine optimization. Understanding the improvement of search engines (at least the basics) is very important for those working in any of the other disciplines.

Everyone is trying to learn and understand something new

As usual, in 216 we take into account the ease and simplicity of the topics, starting from the basics and moving together to make even the beginner and non-specialists have a deep understanding of the subject we are dealing with.

Note: In 216 we only support legitimate methods of marketing, so this guide is about search engine optimization by legal and legal means. As long as you can access your website for the front page and the initial result in legitimate ways as we did, you don’t need it anymore.

Note: Because Google is the most used search engine, especially in our region. So we’ll talk in a lot of aspects about improving google’s search engine in particular.

Here are links to all search engine optimization guide lessons:

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