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Everything you need to know about Google Adsense

Despite Google Adsense’s reputation as one of the most popular ways to profit from the Internet, many don’t know much about it, so we decided the winners to provide a brief guide on Google Adsense in which we collect all the necessary and important information, so prepare your coffee cup and bring a paper and pen and get ready to learn about a way that may change your life and be your next source of income.

What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is a Google software that allows owners of websites, blogs, YouTube channels, and even apps to display ads for a certain material income determined by several factors, such as the type of content and the nature of advertising.

Google Adsense is a very valuable service that helps content makers and app owners make a lot of money monthly, Google’s policy is to give owners of channels, sites, and applications about 68% of what they get from advertising companies while taking 32%.

Google won only about $15 billion from Google Adsense in 2015, and that figure has increased significantly thereafter.

Google Adsense relies on the idea that visitors to your site who see the ad click on it, which turns them into the advertiser’s page, and depending on the cost of this click or click determines your earnings, the equation here is:

Profit = number of clicks * Cost per click

The more expensive you are, the higher your earnings, and this CPC is determined by your site or blog’s niche or niche.

This Google AdSense is linked to another program or service called Google Ads ads or formerly known as Google Adwords.

It’s generally where advertisers choose their preferences to show ads for their companies or products, and they also pay for them, and then Google gets ad money, gives you your share, and keeps the rest.

These advertiser preferences relate to the geographic range in which they want to display their ad, the ethnic or age group they want to target, and their interests.

In addition to preferring many other amazing things that go as far as the time the ad is displayed, Google can ensure that these ads reach their target destinations thanks to the much information Google knows about its users.

With Google Adsense, you can make a lot of profits a month, especially if you already have a blog or YouTube channel, so many around the world do so that some of them rely heavily on the profits of these ads for their livelihood.

How do I win from Google Adsense?

Profit from Google Adsense is very attractive as we mentioned, but it needs some effort and requires doing some things before you start profiting from it, and of course, I don’t mean to register here at Google Adsense but I mean the steps that precede it from the idea to implementation:

1- Choose the right specialty or niche

This is the most important step in the whole process, your choice of the right specialty will help you produce high-quality content that attracts many visitors, and will determine the price of clicks, which as mentioned above determines your earnings from Google Adsense.

Perhaps the truest advice I am telling you at this stage is to focus and put all your efforts on your content first and not on profit.

Choosing the right niche will help you get a lot of content ideas and articles, which will make it easier for you to increase your visitor base and thereby increase clicks, and will help make you a soul in your writing that makes visitors want to know more about it and want to know it specifically from you.

The price per click varies depending on the specialty of the blog and the format of the ads and according to the semrush report, the price per click in the United States is up to $17.55 if it is on an insurance site, and 0.73 if the site specializes in electronic devices, as you can see the price per click is graded and varies according to many factors you should pay attention to from the beginning.

2- Choose and buy a domain name

Domain name or domain is very important when it comes to starting your website, it identifies your location name and competence, which connects you to the minds of your visitors, and if you don’t know dear reader what domain is the name and address of the site, it is for us 216-t.com.

The domain name must be associated with the niche or specialty of your site, and it is preferable to have a spirit and be attractive and distinctive so that it hangs in the reader’s mind and conscience so that this reader can return again in order to read the new site or blog.

3- Get hosting from a company

You’ll then need to buy hosting from a trusted site for this, and if you don’t know much about it, I advise you to see an article about Web Hosting and an article do you want to host guaranteed sites?

Don’t worry if you don’t have the money or don’t want to spend it, you can get a domain and free hosting through platforms, such as Blueger and others, but I don’t recommend this, and best buy Domain and host your site.

4- Create a WordPress site and choose the template and important plugins

There are a lot of ways to create your site, the most famous of which is to create a WordPress site, or by hiring a programmer who programs and designs a site for you from the beginning.

But I prefer and advise you to WordPress because it will do more and more, it is much cheaper than the cost of designing and creating a site, and you will be able to choose a template from the center of thousands of templates so you will ensure that the design of the site is suitable for you and your specialty.

Of course, you can choose a free WordPress template, but I advise you with a paid template because it will be better in stages and its cost is not great at all.

For more information on how to choose the right WordPress template, you can see an article we’ve published before on 216.

5- Create the right content for your blogs

No one else will know the right content for your blogs, so you have to make a lot of effort to figure out what you’re going to write, how you’re going to write it, and whether visitors want to read it or not, and this step is the basis, the content is always king, but I’ll laugh at some important tips that will help you improve your site’s content:

A/ Take care of the address
The title is what will attract the reader to open and read your articles, which will attract him to read another article you put in the first article, so you should make the title expressive, interesting, and summarize the content of the article, but be careful not to write misleading titles because it will make you lose your visitors and their trust.

B/ Section paragraphs and make what you write easy and serial
The long overlapping writings that makeup one large block are unattractive and difficult to read, and Google doesn’t like them. The division of content and the text of the article into paragraphs encourages the reader to read, and makes it psychologically receptive to the content, especially if it is the result of some of it and each paragraph reaches the next.

C/ Create a pattern
Style or style is the feature that will make the reader easily recognize your article, you put part of you in each article, something like specific expressions and words or even a method that makes the reader recognize that this content belongs to you, and also makes it associated with you and your emotional content.

D/ Plan your contained first
Make planning your first step; Bring a paper and a pen, write down the topics you want to talk about, and try to connect them in groups or create a link between them, which will make you prepare for each new article of your articles in a way that excites readers and makes them wait for everything new.

E/ Avoid spelling and grammatical errors
Spelling and grammatical errors distract the reader and mislead Google, and in all cases are very harmful to the content writer and blogger, so try to reduce your spelling and grammatical mistakes by taking a course or listening to some lessons on YouTube.

F/market for your blogs on Social Media
Social media is one of the most important and powerful marketing tools for any content owner, because it will bring you hundreds and thousands of visitors if you can use it correctly of course, so it is absolutely essential that you learn and celebrate the right social media channels with your content.

Read also: Social Media Marketing (Your Comprehensive Guide)

J/ Learn SEO
SEO or search engine optimization is by far one of the most important and powerful marketing tools for any content because it shows your article or blog on the search page or the first search result, and through this, it brings you many countless visits.

6- The Last Step: You Are Now Ready for Google Adsense

After you’ve completed all these points and completed them, you’ll be done with the hard part, just registering at Google Adsense and waiting, and registering in Google Adsense is easy and very simple just to fill out some information in order for Google Adsense to be connected to your blogger.

Note: In the article Earning from Adsense (don’t make a barrier stand in front of you) we explained the steps of registration in detail … You can return to this article if necessary.

I also think you’ll probably need to read this article: How to Profit from Google Adsense.

When you complete the registration process on Google Adsense, your code will be ready, and this code is the way you will link your blog to Google Adsense, where you will put it on your site where you want it and Google will fill it with ads and we will be finished.

Don’t stop there and always try and see the results of your experience, through this trial process and result you will find the best blend that suits your blog and readers.

Google Adsense
Google Adsense

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