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Profit guide from URL Shortener

links shortcut
links shortcut

The profit from shortening links is tempting, sometimes questionable, and occasionally vague to some, and in fact, a lot of young people still don’t know their dimensions and their correct concept.

Maybe you’re a young man looking for a quick and easy way to profit from the Internet, and you think that profit from shortening links is the way. Maybe the idea came in front of you from a friend or any other source, and you want to understand it from a reliable source as a winners’ site.

Whether you’re this or that or even have another purpose altogether, you’ll find in this article everything you need to know, and you’ll find ways, ideas, and information that will enable you to profit from shortening links, and you’ll find beyond that as well.

Before we start, let me explain something very important to you:

In this article, you will not find ideas and methods that will make you thousands of dollars of shortcut links, and also you will not find immoral or deceptive ways for users. What we’re going to give you here is the fact that you’re profiting from shortening links, and don’t worry because if you deal with this fact intelligently, you’ll make a meaningful profit.

What is the profit from links shortcut?

The first thing you need to understand about profit from shortening links is the profitability system on which it is based, how profit is made from the foundation and shared with you, and to understand it well you have to understand the elements or actors on which the profitability system is based, and where your role is in this system.

Key elements of the profit system from links shortcut:

1- Company shortening links

The link shortcut company is the most important and essential element of the profitability link shortcut system and is simply a company that offers a smart program, this program switches the link that you enter with another short link.

When you visit this short link from a user, ads appear in front of it, often on a page before the original link page, and there is a feature to bypass this page (Skip Ads), which is also often for a third party, the advertiser, the second party in the profitability platform.

It is worth mentioning here that not all link shortcut companies are profitable companies, there are companies that offer the service of shortening links for marketing and analytical purposes, and these companies do not show ads to users, but direct the user to the original link directly.

2- The Advertiser

The advertiser may be a company or person, often completely independent of the link shortcut company, but they have a contract that provides for the advertiser’s ads to be displayed in exchange for a company that shortens the links to receive specific financial returns.

3- Publishers (subscribers)

These are mostly a group of young people like you who want to profit from shortening links. Link shortcut companies allow everyone to subscribe to them, start shortening links through them and publish them (and thus advertiser ads). Link shortcut companies share with these publishers a portion of their profits from advertisers.

4- Users (visitors to abbreviated links)

They represent Internet users who are exposed to short links, click on them to access a web page, and watch the advertiser’s ad.

Of course, it won’t make a profit by shortening links without users, and the more users visit short links, the more profit everyone will make, especially you as a publisher.

Some profit points from shortening links

  1. Of course, you can subscribe and profit from more than one company.
  2. Your earnings are determined as a publisher per thousand visits (CPM) for the short association, and this varies according to the geographical factor of your visitors, for example, visitors from America who are not visitors from Egypt, but in general, the average profit ranges from half a dollar to about $10 per thousand visits.
  3. You cannot make visits, because first, it is illegal and secondly very cumbersome, even if you use a program this will expose the advertiser to loss because the visit is not real, and then the company will have problems with the advertiser, and in the end will lead to the closure of your account.
  4. You can shorten any link on the Internet, you are not briefly restricted by links that belong to you only as links to your site. You can also shorten a link to a video, app, site, or page within this site….etc.
  5. You must provide something worth the user’s time
    Although value and quality are our mottoes in everything in winners, and that’s what we always encourage site friends to do, the theme has another dimension here.

The other dimension is that the visitor to the short link is a human being who wants to get to something, and he will be wary of entering it on a page with ads before entering what he wants.
As a profit-looking, you have to deal with this visitor professionally, at least give him something worth suffering!

Profit steps from links shortcut

1- Choose a company to shorten links or a group of companies to work with

The first step to making a profit from shortening links is to select a good company to work with, and you can also work with more than one company at a time.
Because of the importance of this point, we have given it a special article, and you can access it through the link below.

The best websites shorten links to make money

2- Select your target audience

Some may think this is a rather perfect step, but if you really want to profit from shortening links, and want to achieve good results, this is a fundamental step for you. Identifying the audience will make your work according to the approach, thoughtfully and structured, and will give you an opportunity to continue, and of course, it will enable you to build trust between you and your target audience.

Here are some points you need to make about your target audience:

* What are their nationalities? Your level of earnings mostly depends on the gender of visitors, but you also have to be good at dealing with these nationalities.
* What are their interests? Specializing in a particular field will give you experience dealing with your audience and always help you find the right links.
* What is their language? Language may interfere with nationality, but it’s really something different. Of course, you have to master the language through which you will address your audience.
Let’s say here that you have identified your audience as follows: Egyptians, who speak Arabic, who love to read and download books online. Of course, this will give you a lot of facilities and clarity on your way to profit from shortening links.

3- Determine how you get visitors to short links

This is also a very important point and is essential in the way you win from shortening links, so you must select them carefully, in order to maintain focus and avoid confusion and distraction.

Given the importance of this point, we will soon dedicate its own part to it, and we will address the most important ways to get visitors to the short links to profit from.

4- Determine how to receive your money

You’ve initially identified the company or companies you want to work with, you’ve accurately identified your target audience, and your way of getting visitors, and the next step is to determine how to receive your money.

There are many ways for link shortcut companies to receive funds, notably PayPal and Payoneer, and below are two links to two articles explaining each:

Explain creating a free PayPal account and how to activate it and use it

All about Payoneer card

5- Start working

Now you have all the settings you need to start profiting from shortening links, and all you need is to actually start sending visitors to your short links.

Ways to get visitors to make a profit from shortening links

1- Own a blog, site or forum

You can shorten all links to your blog or site so that your visitors first pass the link shortcut company to profit from them before they enter the blog.

At this point, there’s a tool that a lot of link shortcut companies have that converts all the links of your site to make them short, with a code you can put on your site.

2- Participating in forums

In fact, the power of marketing forums is no longer the same, but there are still plenty of opportunities and possibilities that you can achieve from forum visitors to profit from shortening links.

Make as many accounts as possible on the most important and popular forums of your field, share them with short links, and also help members get what they need through you.

3- Blog participation

Comment on the most popular topics on your domain blogs, share a link that people want to get as many people as possible to see your comment, and visit the acronym link.

4- Social media sites

The genius idea of short-link companies, which makes everyone profit from them, is: that they not only allow you to shorten your own links, but these companies allow you to shorten any link.

So just get the attractive and good content, which is abundantly online free of charge, and share it on social media.

Here are some points that will help you make the most of social media:

  1. Make a Facebook page that touches on your audience’s interests, such as a comic, social, sports, or even news page, think of anything people want more!
    Share this page and make it grow, and every now and then share some brief links to topics of interest to your audience.

Here we say every now and then, not continuously, it is known that Facebook does not give a good level of visibility to posts with links.

Note: I know that the sharing of short links to some companies is prohibited by some social media sites, and I will discuss this and put solutions to it in the last part of my article.

So keep reading, there’s still a very important part of the article.

  1. You can create a free WordPress blog with YouTube videos, or topics that are attractive to people, and post them on your social media pages.

Dealing with the ban on social media sites

In fact, there are a lot of Sushil Media sites for some reason – you block the short links of some websites that shorten links, and in fact, this happens on an ongoing basis, so we can’t take up each company and put it (whether banned or not) for each social networking site.

But first, we can acknowledge this problem, and expect it to happen even with sites that are not currently banned (they may be blocked tomorrow). Secondly, we can consider solutions to deal with this problem of prohibition.

Here is a range of ideas and suggestions from which you can overcome the problem of prohibition:

  1. Keep this in mind when choosing a link shortcut site

Yes, we said that the ban may happen overnight, but you can at least choose the best websites to shorten links that have the best mode now (and you have to test it yourself).

  1. Publish only on sites that support your links and have no problem

There are a lot of social media sites and not all follow a single approach, so you can work according to the rules of each individual site.

  1. Move your visitors from one social networking site to another

This strategy I saw a page follow, they are most of their followers on Facebook, but they have a Twitter account, and they win from the abbreviation of the link through a site banned from Facebook, but not banned on Twitter.
They post the post on their Facebook page with a link to the post on Twitter, which consequently contains the short link.

  1. Make a free blog to make it a link between link shortcuts and social media sites.

You can make a free blog on WordPress easily with the link I put for you above.

In the end, I hope that this article will be useful to anyone who wants the wind to shorten the links.

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